Excel Coordinate Converter Formulas
Column C = Raw Lat =VALUE(RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(' ',A2))) This will split the raw data into just Lat, and treat it as a number, rather than text.. A basic set up (assuming headers in row 1) is: Column A = Raw Data (e g -1 ) Column B = Raw Long =VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(' ',A2)-1)) This will split the raw data into just Long, and treat it as a number, rather than text.. Column D = Converted Long in DMS =IF(B2 5, Convert Latitude and Longitude to UTM (Choose Decimal or DD MM SS). Roku Mirror App For Mac
excel coordinate converter formula
Column C = Raw Lat =VALUE(RIGHT(A2,LEN(A2)-FIND(' ',A2))) This will split the raw data into just Lat, and treat it as a number, rather than text.. A basic set up (assuming headers in row 1) is: Column A = Raw Data (e g -1 ) Column B = Raw Long =VALUE(LEFT(A2,FIND(' ',A2)-1)) This will split the raw data into just Long, and treat it as a number, rather than text.. Column D = Converted Long in DMS =IF(B2 5, Convert Latitude and Longitude to UTM (Choose Decimal or DD MM SS). cea114251b Roku Mirror App For Mac
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